Today the rain insisted on , well raining, but that didnt stop us having some fun...ok we should have been doing more saturday chores but....Aideen was DELIGHTED to "chat" via facebook with her penpal in the USA...hiya Renee !!!! I was chatting with Renees mom, Jennifer and as the 2 girls happened to be in both kitchens we said we`d let them chat...even Oscar got excited and had to "look" at the computer to see what the girls were chatting about ! (Hope you guys had a nice day at your nans house and EB hope your poor stomach is better honey)...
Also Daisy spent the day looking for "things to do", and she found them...she was at one stage "nippin" (knitting) with me...thats fun I can tell ya...and then she decided that her big sister would only make a great horse !!! Daisy when you grow a bit older I hope you realise what a special and wonderful big sister you really do have ! At the moment i`m trying out my hand at some nifty knits (small) heres a change purse, an egg cosy and a corsage...any comments welcome :) ..."I`m singing in the rain, la la la la la la..."
hi guys even rainy days a re fun in your house! the sign is brilliant, i can't believe they put a sign like that up.