Tea: a hug in a mug !

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sandcastles and sunny days...

well , here we ae , home again after a week in Skerries (Co.Dublin)...my very first "beach holiday" !!!! We all loved it , had a ball and would go back in a heartbeat ! meanwhile heres a taste of some of the 700 and more photos I took....lots of memories , enjoy !

Monday, August 17, 2009

the kettles always on !

a day of visitors today, we love that...giz us an excuse to put the kettle on and chat with friends...Annah and the boys , Nora and the girls and Michael all called today...Annah and myself are like passing ships this summer , never known anything like it !!!! (Thanks for the "Tia" zip charm, I love it!)...so all the kids played , etc for a couple of hours , Sean was woodworking outside and the women drank tea and chatted. ! Then I had a healing , and after that Nora took the girls for HS classes (thank you!)...and took them for what else , icecream , Daisy calls her "Nora ceam" :o) Michael called then so it was fishing talk and coffee ,but I managed to squeeze in a BIT of garden/allotment speak ! By the way , WHAT do you think of the pool Annah and Michael have passed onto us ? Cool or what ,all we need now is a SUMMER !!!!!! Cant wait to use it ! Another great day spent with great friends....by the way , Sean is seen here fixing Reubens DS , this guy can fix anything !!! hes now known (sorry hon) as "Sean O Toole".... remember Agnes Browne ??? Sorry sweetie myself and Nora just could`nt resist !!!! By the way check out our HS blog to see what the girls got up to today...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Twilight reflections

Soem of these pictures were "accidental" some not...but for some reason today I couldnt stop taking "reflective" photographs ! Come to think of it I WAS in a relective mood...is`nt the fairy GORGEOUS ? Her name is BREENA and she is a gift from Sean and the girls from their trip to Dublin yesterday , they are too sweet , never forget me ! She now sits beside the photos of Ryan and Shauna were candles are lit to/for them everyday...and she even has pink for Shauna and blue for Ryan ! Also we managed to plant soem lettuce into old cartons today to grow inside on the window ledges so that during the winter we (hopefully) will have the taste of the outdoors to enjoy ! And the cd of Emily Dickenson poems (being sung) is a gift from our dear friend, Martha in Florida...thankyou Martha ! Martha is a very gifted Ballet and Belly-dance dancer who put us up in her beautiful home in Florida while we were there last year...and even though its a week away yet we couldnt resist "packing" a few bits for our trip to Skerries...Sean scored a great bargain with this lined picnic blanket for only €4 ! And also we have some nature book and our watercolours and of course the compass (dont ask) packed....oh excitement :0)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Self-sufficient ... in the town !

Ah , nothing like it...growing your own ! And YES is can be done in the town , I`ve known of people keeping bees in the town (all you need is a flat roof for the hives !)...anyways , Aideen has been helping me propogate herbs and such so we will have more plants next year ,and shes been writing up in her garden journal...another homeschool project ! Heres some of our "new" plants...and our window boxes in the front windows are overflowing with thyme and parsley...the smell is amazing after the rain ! The knitting is coming along too...but slowly...WIP (thats work in progress to non-knitters out there) are : new socks for Aideen and Daisy in a wonderful rainbow coloured wool, and also the "R" I`m knitting for the poetry societry is gettign there...sure by slow...the pattern they sent me is made up of dots on graph and is driving this dyslexic Doris dotty :0) but, it will get done ! Sean is working away cleaning out his shed, in order to get ready for the coming winter months, he hopes this year he will get some projects done in the shed...why does he need a kettle in there then ??? and Daisy has found herself a new "game" Aideens connect4 that Daisy Lila and Papa Gene sent from America...she walks around everywhere with it and just opens it and sets up a game anywhere ! Its so funny , she just drops the yellow and red counters in and announces that she "wins"...but hey shes happy ! Now i`m off to read this months "Home Farmer" magazine !

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Caoimhe !

Happy Birthday Caoimhe, and thankyou to Nora, Frank, Sadhbh and Michael (Daisys hero) for a grand day...enjoy the photos guys, these are for you xx

Friday, August 7, 2009

the fruits are planted...

Well the fuit trees for next year are planted, 2 gooseberry and 2 tayberry (kind of a raspberry)...they will (hopefully) next year profide enough fruit for one or two desserts and maybe jam the year after... having a small garden (and not the acre or two wed love to have...yet) ,we have to make use of every available space for growing so these new additions are planted just beside the hedge where I will train them to grow along the branches...also today saw the planting of all our herbs, using I am delighted to be able to say organic rooting powder...but as you can see Aideen found five minutes to sit down and have a quick cuppa, like mother like daughter :0)